"The Thing" (final thesis - Concept Design Specialization - UNTREF) Zwischenraum. “The Thing” is a project meant to explore the relational habits and the spatial perception. The membrane works as a Re-signifying artifact. A transduction membrane for the perceptual methamorphosis. A controlled chaos is introduced, in order to: - Achieve a double P.O.V. of altered perceptions: objects / contexts - Create / make visible: new spaces (invisible otherwise) - Experience space as a living thing. - Explore the fluid (phygital) aesthetic to the real world. This is a study on how spaces are re-signified by materials, tension, strange forms and bodys. Perception changing by wrapping objects. Studys of form, color and texture. New morphological possibilities for objects. Create awareness about the potencial of unfamiliar, and unconventional forms. Adding new forms to functions.